Friday, March 15, 2013

BONANZAI Project- Props

This semester we working on a project that is a combination Akira Kurosawa meets Deadwood. At the beginning of the semester all projects students got a design document in a form of a story, created by one of our professors. The story was made up of several chapters and each student had to choose one to focus on. From that chapter we pulled props, vehicles, environments, and characters to design. After all these items have been created they will become pieces to our end of the semester group project, a 30 second animated trailer.

In this post and the following I thought I would share some of the finished work and some of the process work that went into this project.

The first prop for my character is his trusty Hawken rifle

The vehicle for the chapter was a Mountain Howitzer.

The last thing we designed was an environment. My chapter took place in the Pacific North West.

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