Tuesday, May 7, 2013

UI Art

Another little bit of design I got to do this semester was UI design. There were several projects in this class, but the final two were a client project and a personal project. Each project required coming up with a game spec, then a prototype that was tested among the student, wire frames, and then the final art.

Below is my client project that I did for another student called, Dragon's Land. The game is supposed to be an ipad game where you fly around as a dragon capturing or destroying medieval villages. Before moving to the final screens I came up with some real quick sketches below.

Below is my personal project called, Galaxy Maid Service. Inspired by Super Stardust HD, Galaxy Maid Service tasks a brave maid to keep the galaxy safe and tidy. I wanted the game to have a cooky 50's B movie vibe. Here I'm showing some of my sketches, and wire frames along with the screen.

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